Monday, October 21, 2019

Chemistry Lab related to growing plants essays

Chemistry Lab related to growing plants essays I predict that the plants grown with the Expert Gardener grow faster however, the plants grown with the compost will be healthier to eat eventually when beans start to grow. The plants grown in just regular soil will grow but not as fast as the compost nor the Expert Gardener (fertiliser). The fertiliser will have the most developed plants and - Peelings of 3 potatoes (small ones) - Seeds and ends of one green pepper - Tops and roots off of 6 green onions - 3 egg cartons (containing room for 12 eggs each) - Expert Gardener (a type of fertiliser to make the plant grow faster) - Labs to label the egg cartons pots Step 1: Prepare the compost in a medium sized bucket. Mix together tea bags, carrots, potatoes, green pepper, green onions, celery, egg shell, apples, coffee grinds. Mix with Step 2: Pour compost into large bucket. Step 3: Pour soil into the same medium sized bucket and then pour the soil into the Step 4: Mix the mixture in the large bucket with the large spoon. Step 5: Label each egg carton as fertiliser, soil, compost and also label each separate Step 6: Pour 3 cups of the mixture into an egg carton. Step 7: Pour 3 cups, each, of just soil into 2 of the egg cartons. Step 8: Plant 1 bean seed in each of empty spaces where the eggs are supposed to be. Step 9: Water the plant with equal amounts (1 cup) of water every second day at 7:00 Step 10: Each day add Expert Gardener to the egg carton which is written fertiliser on it. You add the Expert Gardener in by mixing 4L of water with 1/4 of a teaspoon of the Expert Gardener in a small container and then measure the 1 cup of this mixture to pour into the egg carton as explained in step 9. Step 11: Make sure each of the 36 plants get the same amount of sunlight each day. Step 12: Observe the plants and take done results over a period of time of 14 days. (Observe the height and number of leaves for each plant at night.) Day Compost...

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